As the Senior Laboratory Technician, I am responsible for the entire in-house laboratory testing including hematology, microbiology and parasitology.
I also oversee the comings and goings of diagnostic tests performed outside of the Hospital at reference laboratories.
My position is very unique, as most veterinary clinics send all of their tests to outside reference labs.
Our patients are so “extraordinary” that timing is crucial with diagnostics. When the doctors take a lab sample on your pet, they expect the results back as quickly as possible.
I love my job! What I do is of great importance to the health and well-being of our patients. I have tremendous love and respect for animals and when I strive for excellence in my lab, I know it’s because our patients are counting on us to provide excellent care.
I currently have three cats (Mimi, KimChee and Ponzu), two cockatiels (Ruby and Mr. Crabs) a hamster (Frodo) and an aviary of finches and canaries.
I enjoy spending time with my husband, Mel and my amazing son and my beautiful daughter. I have a large family and we spend a great deal of time together.
Our Faith is my family’s foundation around which we have built everything else. I am close to my family and we do a lot of family functions. I consider a lot of the staff my good friends and part of my family. In my spare time, I enjoy fellowshipping and worshiping my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.